Grade 9

Mathematical Literacy
Mathematical Literacy as a subject is offered as an alternative to Mathematics. Mathematical Literacy follows a problem-centred and real-life approach. In Mathematical Literacy, the learner will be equipped with knowledge and skills that can be applied in everyday situations.
It is important to understand that Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy are two different subjects and the curricula for these subjects have not been designed to allow movement between the two subjects.
If marks below 50% are regularly achieved in Grade 9, you may be advised to do Mathematical Literacy in Grade 10. It is possible to change from Mathematics at any stage up to the end of a student’s Grade 10 year. However, it should be noted that it will not be possible to change back to Mathematics from Mathematical Literacy.
Students should note that consistent hard work and dedication is the key to enjoyment and success in Mathematics.

EGD / Life Sciences / IT
EGD (Engineering, Graphic & Design)
This learning area gives students the opportunity to:
Communicate ideas graphically using drawing instruments and computer-based tools
Learn by solving problems in creative ways
Carry out projects using the design process
Learn by dealing directly with human rights and social and environmental issues in their project work.
Life Sciences (Biology)
“Life Sciences involves the systematic study of life in the changing natural and human-made environment.” (National Curriculum Statement).
A study of the Life Sciences fosters an understanding of the basic life processes as well as of the interrelationship and interdependence of components of the living and the physical world.
Information Technology (IT)
Learners taking Information Technology will learn the inner workings of the computer, and how this relates to problem solving.
Learners will be expected to logically analyse problems, as well as design and write software applications to solve these problems efficiently.
Students will learn the Java programming language as well as SQL (Structured Query Language) for working with databases.

Physical Sciences / Business Studies / Visual Arts
Physical Sciences
Physical Sciences as a subject consists of two branches, namely Physics and Chemistry.
There is no doubt that we live in a world with a strong scientific-technical focus, making Physical Sciences a very valuable subject to take.
Knowledge of Physical Sciences is an enriching asset to have, even if you are not planning to pursue a scientific career.
Business Studies
Business Studies is a subject which develops insight into both South African and global business practices.
It fosters an understanding of the functions of the different role-players and the various issues and challenges that influence and impact business.
Visual Arts
The benefits of studying art include improved problem solving adding to overall academic achievement & school success. It stimulates and develops the imagination and critical thinking skills which enhance cognitive ability and enable greater “out of the box” thinking.
Art teaches Life skills such as developing an informed perception, articulating a vision, building self esteem and confidence and discipline at working tasks through to completion.

Accounting / Geography / Dramatic Arts
In our fast developing society there is a growing need for people with a commercial background. By doing Accounting at school, numerous future job opportunities in managerial positions, accounting firms, banking and other areas will be opened.
Accounting as a subject broadens your knowledge of business practice and of how to draw up AND interpret financial statements. This knowledge is useful to everyone, regardless of the career you follow after school.
Why Choose Geography?
‘Geography is the subject that holds the key to the future’
-Michael Palin
Geography is an interdisciplinary subject that unites the social sciences and natural sciences in the knowledge of Earth and the people who live on Earth.
Dramatic Arts
Dramatic Arts is a creative subject that allows students to hone their acting technique, as well as focus on the more theoretical approach, covering topics such as script-writing and theatre design, giving pupils a thorough grounding in the subject setting them up to study a degree in the Performing Arts or pursue other avenues related to the subject.